Curriculum Vitae


2021    Professional Teacher. JAMK University of Applied Sciences. School of Professional Teacher Education. Jyväskylä.

2010   Master of Culture and Arts, Degree Programme in Cultural Entrepreneurship (fine arts), Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Imatra, Finland
2006   Advanced Studies of Jewellery, South-Carelia Polytechnic, Lappeenranta, Finland
2002   Bachelor of Art, South-Carelia Polytechnic, Stonework and Jewellery Design, Lappeenranta, Finland
2001   Internship in Ateljé Bergestad – Jonsson, Stockholm, Sweden
2000   Glasgow School of Art, Silversmithing & Jewellery Dpt., Glasgow, Scotland
1998   Artisan, Joensuu College of Further Education, Arts and Crafts, Stonework, Joensuu, Finland
1993 – 1994   Studies of Audiovisual Communication, Jaakkima Folk Highschool, Ruokolahti, Finland

Other education
2011   Certified Art Clay teacher,  Art Clay World Finland, Helsinki

Work experience
2012 –   Teacher, jewellery, Ruokolahti Open College, Ruokolahti, Finland
2008 –   Teacher, jewellery and crafts, Imatra Open College, Imatra, Finland
2012 – 2013   Teacher, jewellery, Parikkala Open College, Parikkala, Finland
2012   Teacher, jewellery, Rautjärvi Open College, Rautjärvi, Finland
2007 – 2009   Teacher, crafts school, Imatra Open College, Imatra, Finland
2007   Teacher, photography, South-Carelia Vocational College, Lappeenranta School of Crafts and Design, Finland
2006   Assistant, Cameo today – workshop by Helena Lehtinen & Tarja Tuupanen, Lappeenranta, Finland
2006   Teacher, photography, South-Carelia Vocational College, Lappeenranta School of Crafts and Design, Finland
2005 – 2006   Teacher, art school, Ruokolahti Open College, Ruokolahti, Finland
2005    Teacher, jewellery, Ruokolahti Open College, Ruokolahti, Finland
2005   Visiting lecturer, Artjärvi Comprehensive School, Artjärvi, Finland
2005   Teacher, stonework, South-Carelia Vocational College, Lappeenranta School of Crafts and Design, Finland
2003 – 2004   Teacher, photography and stonework, South-Carelia Polytechnic, Crafts and Design, Lappeenranta, Finland
2002 – 2003   Intern, South-Carelia Polytechnic, Stonework and Jewellery Design Dpt., Lappeenranta, Finland

Solo exhibitions
2002 Koruja ja objekteja, Suovilla, Ruokolahti, Finland

Group exhibitions

2024  Koru 2024. Gallery Pirkko-Liisa Topelius, Helsinki.

2024   Finnish Jewellery Art Association’s art sale and exhibition, Valssaamo, Cable Factory, Helsinki, Finland.

2016   BIJOUX! 2016. Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
2015   Finnish Jewellery Art Association’s art sale and exhibition, Valssaamo, Cable Factory, Helsinki, Finland.
2014   Illuusio, Riihimäen Wanha Lasitehdas, Riihimäki, Finland
2013   The Kiosk of Jewellery – le Kiosque à bijoux. Circuits Bijoux. Paris, France
2013   Earth and Water, Icelandic – Finnish Contemporary Jewellery, Nordens Hus, Reykjavik, Iceland
2012   Earth and Water, Icelandic – Finnish Contemporary Jewellery, Gallery Tove, Hanaholmen, Esbo, Finland
2012   Art Jewellery Association, Design Autumn, Täky Gallery, Lappeenranta, Finland
2011   ArtHelsinki11, Helsinki Contemporary Art Fair. Finnish Jewellery Art Association, Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre.
2011   Summer exhibition, Jäppilänniemen taidetie, Imatra.
2010   ArtHelsinki10, Helsinki Contemporary Art Fair. Finnish Jewellery Art Association, Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre.
2010   Elämä on yksityinen kokemus, Talligalleria, Kirkkonummi, Finland
2010   La Vida es una experiencia personal, Instituto Iberoamericano de Finlandia, Madrid, Spain
2009   The Collection of Finnish Jewellery Art Association , Galleri Elverket, Tammisaari, Finland
2008   Rajoilla – Korutaide, Galleria 5, Oulu, Finland
2008   The Collection of Finnish Jewellery Art Association, Lahti Art Museum, Lahti, Finland
2007   Look What I found, Lesley Craze Gallery, London, Great Britain
2007   Gallery Pony, Art Center Lovely. Heinola, Finland
2006   KORU 2, International Contemporary Jewellery, South Carelia Art museum, Lappeenranta, Finland
2006   KONTTI, Finnish contemporary jewellery, Lappeenranta market place
2006   Familiar unknown, Gallery Rantapaja, Lappeenranta , Finland
2005   Saint-Petersburg’s Jeweller 2005, Manege Central Exhibition Hall, St.Petersburg, Russia
2005   Joieria Finlandesa, FAD-Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2005   Ruokolahtelaista osaamista, Taitotalo, Ruokolahti, Finland
2004   Kidutus – Torture, Galleria Pihatto, Lappeenranta, Finland
2004   Kidutus – Torture, Galleria Johan S., Helsinki, Finland
2002   International Graduation Show 2002, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2002   Pilkku –diploma works, Rantapajan Galleria, Lappeenranta, Finland
2001   Koruja, Rantapajan Galleria, Lappeenranta, Finland
2001   II ja III laatua -utility objects of stone, Rantapajan Galleria, Lappeenranta, Finland
2000  Akvarelleja, Grafiikkaa, Koruja ja Objekteja, Jaakkiman Kristillinen opisto, Ruokolahti, Finland
2000  Fabergé Arts Foundation Competition & Exhibition for Young Jewellers, St. Petersburg, Russia
2000  Dialogi – Jewellery and Objects, Galleria Luowa, Lappeenranta, Finland
2000  Helsinki International Fashion Fair, Helsinki Fair Centre, Finland
1998   Annual exhibition of Ruokolahti Art Society, Ruokolahti, Finland
1998   Spring exhibition Joensuu College of Further Education, Joensuu, Finland
1997   Spring exhibition Joensuu College of Further Education, Joensuu, Finland
1997   Tiffany works, Galleria Artteli, Joensuu, Finland

2014   Itsenäisyyden ajan suomalainen koru. Tammi 2014.
2012   Lá∂ og lögur/ Vesi ja maa. Exhibition catalogue.
2012   Päivi Ruutiainen: Onko puhelinkoppi koru? Nykykoru taiteen kentällä. Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis 238. Lapin yliopistokustannus: Rovaniemi 2012.
2006   KORU 2, International Contemporary Jewellery. Exhibition catalogue. South Carelia Polytechnic Publications
2006   KONTTI, Finnish Contemporary Jewellery. Exhibition catalogue. Finnish jewellery art association
2005   KORU. Joieria Contemporània Finlandesa. Exhibition catalogue. Arts Council of Southeast Finland
2005   Baltic Jewellery News Nr. 1, 2005
2002   International Graduation Show 2002, Galerie Marzee, Exhibition catalogue. Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Work in Collections
Collection of the Finnish Jewellery Art Association, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Private collection of Donna Schneier, Manalapan, Fl, USA.

Finnish Jewellery Art Association (Korutaideyhdistys ry.)
Kuvasto ry.

2012   Arts Council of Southeast Finland (Working Grant)
2010   Saimaan seutujen Opisto-osakeyhtiö (For precious metal clay technique studies)
2010   Arts Council of Southeast Finland (For tools and materials)
2009   William and Ester Otsakorpi Trust (For Yksityinen kokemus Group)
2006   Arts Council of Southeast Finland (Working Grant)
2005   Alfred Kordelin Foundation (For stone carving tools)
2004   City of Lappeenranta (For Kidutus – Torture Group)
2004   Arts Council of Southeast Finland (For Kidutus – Torture Group)